Giving Back

Giving Back

#HOWGIVESBACK is an intricate part of the work we do. Many of our members have a strong interest in giving back to our community in a way that leverages our knowledge about eye care. We plan to organize several events per year focused on providing eye care to indigent communities for members who are interested in this work. Stay up to date for the latest opportunities for giving back to your community under our events page. We will be posting dates for these causes soon!

"Giving is not just about making a donation of your time or money. It is about making a lasting difference in others lives."


Mentoring and professional development for younger members of HOW is a major priority of our organization. We appreciate the diversity amongst our members in terms of practice scope, subspecialty interest, and academic as well as community based practice interests. We aim to pair younger members with more senior members of HOW to help promote one-on-one mentorship and advice for our younger members along the way. Specific annual educational events around mentorship and sponsorship will be planned and will be a component of the CME activities of HOW.
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